
Explore the complete works of John Bradburne

Beatification votes: 1751


This is a complete list (as far as we know) of all the tape recordings John Bradburne made while he was working in the leprosy settlement at Mutemwa. They are variable in quality, because of the difficult recording conditions, but his voice comes across clearly, in poetry, chant, and song, and we gain a fresh insight into the man and his works. All funds raised through this page will go to help Mutemwa. Click on one of the recordings to see the options: download one, ten, or all.

In a letter to his mother (January 1967), he talks about his wish to record all his poems, but only a few were made or survived:

To find a tape-recorder, fix the plug / And press each button rightly as one should / Perplexing I would term, who am a mug / Even at mending fuses, but a good / Royal possession is a tape-recorder, / Even I'd call it king amongst inventions / Counted throughout this century; I'd order / One if a rich man's state fate's condescensions / Ravished me with upon a sudden! then
Daily and nightly I would talk and sing / In words already founted from my pen / Nor rest till all my written best could ring / Given on tape-recordings through the Earth / So long as lovers love and babes have birth!

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© 2008-2016 The John Bradburne Memorial Society (JBMS)
JBMS Secretary, Kate Macpherson
Tel: 01568 760632 • Fax: 01568 760523
PO Box 32, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0YB
Reg. Charity No. 1046483
Editor, Professor David Crystal
Akaroa, Gors Avenue,
Holyhead LL65 1PB
United Kingdom